Yay! I love talking about Shipfic cards!
A Little Holiday Chaos
-I recommend you use the most recent rules-wording for Timeline Change Ship (3.8.1 in the Style Guide)
-If your flavor text is a character talking, it should be in quotes.
-I believe -- is the usual stand-in for —, but you may be able to use —.
-You should keep the title of your ficlet together on one line.
Why is the Cider Gone?
-Berry Punch looks kind of pixelated; I don't know how well that will print.
-Does Applejack say "partner?"
-The usual meaning of "Coyote Ugly" involves trying to escape after a one-night-stand, so I don't get the connection here.
-The last character in the flavor text is cut off.
Alcoholicorn Berry Punch
-I suggest making the title simply "Alcoholicorn". Having more words muddies the joke.
-the picture got squished
-I don't know the backstory of this character, so I question the use of the "Elder" keyword.
-Draw is fine, since a card's mechanic does not usually reflect a character's power level (see any of the Alicorns in Core Deck), but since this is an ascended form of a character already in the game (again, I'm guessing on flavor), and since this is a promo, I'd say go for something with more pizazz, especially with a power named "Join the Party".
-the flavor text is clipped on both ends