Author Topic: FiMFic Expansion Pack Concept  (Read 27377 times)

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FiMFic Expansion Pack Concept
« on: May 12, 2016, 03:32:54 pm »
So I've been reading through various FiMFiction stories lately and thinking about the really stand-out stories. I may (for no obvious reason at all) have a romantic weakness streak as well...sooooooooo...I'm playing with the idea of designing a series of cards based on some of the best FiMFic stories (After getting author permission of course).

Here's what I have so far. Please let me know what you think! (Still very much a work in-progress)

Hard Reset

Young Starswirl
Morning Glow
Shooting Star
Azalea the Changeling
Queen Sparkle

Time Loop (One or both cards become Dystopian)
Friend-Enforced Therapy
Superpowered Elements (Race Change, can change Changelings)
Memories from Another Dimension

No Spatulas This Time - 4 pt - Twilight, Azalea & Luna
Grounded in Reality - 2 pt - Azalea and Twilight
Eons Apart, Eons Together - 2 pt - Luna & Starswirl
Love Spans All Dimensions - 1pt - Rainbow & Applejack with both set as Dystopian.

Shipping and Handling

Ponies (All labeled as Shippers)
Ditzy Doo, Shipping Consultant -
Autumn Breeze -
Cosmic Glow - Must remove three ships played on the last turn.
Dr. Candyfloss - Master Shipper -
Kilowatt Buzz -
Cloudcover -

Screwball’s Loose!
Reversed Sign
Booped through the Fourth Wall
Plan Failed, Works Anyway

Helping Things Along - 3pts - Two ponies are shipped together who are shipped with two ponies with the “Shippers” keyword.
A Perfect Record - 3pts - Ditzy & Breeze
Adventures in Ianimina - Watt & Pinkie

It’s a Dangerous Business, Going Outside Your Door

Niles Nigellus (Pronghorn) - Pronghorn Network - At the start of every turn, you may move Niles and an attached ship to any unoccupied point on the grid as long as it doesn’t break any other existing ship. Power cannot be copied.
Lady Falalauria (Deer, Elder) - Far Sight - When Falalauria is placed on the grid, player may look through the top five cards on the goal deck. They may then rearrange them as they desire. Power cannot be copied.
Shield Maiden (Earth Pony) - For Gildendale! - Any pony shipped with Shield Maiden cannot be replaced or swapped.
Lord Hammer Hoof (Earth Pony, King)
Ashtail (Earth Pony, Prince)
World Snake (Villain) - Boss Fight - Player must immediately discard any Pony card that is shipped with three or more Ponies

Entering The Dreaming - Race & Keyword Change
Revenge of the World Snake
Epic Journey
Deerish Magic
Beneviolet - Keyword Change

Standing Firm - 2 pts - Ship 6 Earth Ponies in a chain with at least one Villain. 4 pts if the Villain is the World Snake.

Offline Alexphoenixwing

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Re: FiMFic Expansion Pack Concept
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2016, 03:55:58 pm »
cool idea ;D
Would be interesting to see a few of my favorites
Was rather into the Dusk Noir story until it got cancelled....  :'(

I do see a problem in terms of balance as it seems the goals are rather story specific.
Like a bunch of micro packs into one large pack.. They work better seperate 

I think is alright but it needs a larger context not just shipping based on the stories...
Let the stories interact with eachother as well.

Offline BronyBrewer

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Re: FiMFic Expansion Pack Concept
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2016, 06:31:37 pm »
Starswirl the Beardless would be a pretty awesome card.

Offline NovelIdea

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Re: FiMFic Expansion Pack Concept
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2016, 12:40:41 pm »
cool idea ;D
Would be interesting to see a few of my favorites
Was rather into the Dusk Noir story until it got cancelled....  :'(

I do see a problem in terms of balance as it seems the goals are rather story specific.
Like a bunch of micro packs into one large pack.. They work better seperate 

I think is alright but it needs a larger context not just shipping based on the stories...
Let the stories interact with eachother as well.

That's the balance problem I see as well, as I've encountered it so often that I've pulled most character-specific goals from my normal play deck (and yanked the entire OC deck because it was INSANE).

Now that's an interesting idea to see the stories interact. The implications and possibilites of that are mind-boggling. I'll have to ponder that one.