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Messages - NovelIdea

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / LF Twilight's Secret Shipping Stable
« on: June 07, 2016, 01:10:23 pm »
I'm looking to find this expansion and I simply cannot seem to locate a copy. Could someone point me in the right direction? The link in the reddit thread is dead.

Showcase / Re: Edited Adventure Pack Cards
« on: June 01, 2016, 07:45:57 pm »
You're as bad as me.

Thanks. :D

Showcase / Re: MLP-MSP Exclusive Cards!
« on: June 01, 2016, 07:45:21 pm »
Well drat. Those look pretty professional. Too bad I can never go to conventions unless they're local!

Drawing Board / Re: FiMFic Expansion Pack Concept
« on: May 27, 2016, 12:40:41 pm »
cool idea ;D
Would be interesting to see a few of my favorites
Was rather into the Dusk Noir story until it got cancelled....  :'(

I do see a problem in terms of balance as it seems the goals are rather story specific.
Like a bunch of micro packs into one large pack.. They work better seperate 

I think is alright but it needs a larger context not just shipping based on the stories...
Let the stories interact with eachother as well.

That's the balance problem I see as well, as I've encountered it so often that I've pulled most character-specific goals from my normal play deck (and yanked the entire OC deck because it was INSANE).

Now that's an interesting idea to see the stories interact. The implications and possibilites of that are mind-boggling. I'll have to ponder that one.

Website Issues / Re: The Card Database
« on: May 27, 2016, 12:32:24 pm »
I call your late reply and raise you by a double late reply (mainly because I forgot to turn on the email notifications of responses!).

I'm currently conceptualizing creating a unified MLP Gaming Community (Working Title: Pony Gaming Network) that would be a one-stop location for all things MLP Gaming, from independent video games to card games (such as TSSSF) to modding and community features. One of the keys of this would be what I'm currently calling "The Index." It's essentially a visualization of each game as a single index card that would have the name, screenshot, the name of the studio/person behind it, a short synopsis and a download link.

The entire system would need to run on an internal database and honestly, that additional feature would be exactly what I was looking for so folks can submit their own projects to this.

Showcase / Re: A Panel Of Ponies Completed! (1.0.6)
« on: May 12, 2016, 05:30:01 pm »
Okay, I've gotten license to post three more cards and I've corrected the errors in the CMC Discord card, the King Aspen card the Flim & Flam card.

Website Issues / The Card Database
« on: May 12, 2016, 05:16:04 pm »
I'm curious about the software behind the card database. I have a project in mind and that style of display would be utterly perfect for the presentation. Just wondering how the system is running.

Drawing Board / FiMFic Expansion Pack Concept
« on: May 12, 2016, 03:32:54 pm »
So I've been reading through various FiMFiction stories lately and thinking about the really stand-out stories. I may (for no obvious reason at all) have a romantic weakness streak as well...sooooooooo...I'm playing with the idea of designing a series of cards based on some of the best FiMFic stories (After getting author permission of course).

Here's what I have so far. Please let me know what you think! (Still very much a work in-progress)

Hard Reset

Young Starswirl
Morning Glow
Shooting Star
Azalea the Changeling
Queen Sparkle

Time Loop (One or both cards become Dystopian)
Friend-Enforced Therapy
Superpowered Elements (Race Change, can change Changelings)
Memories from Another Dimension

No Spatulas This Time - 4 pt - Twilight, Azalea & Luna
Grounded in Reality - 2 pt - Azalea and Twilight
Eons Apart, Eons Together - 2 pt - Luna & Starswirl
Love Spans All Dimensions - 1pt - Rainbow & Applejack with both set as Dystopian.

Shipping and Handling

Ponies (All labeled as Shippers)
Ditzy Doo, Shipping Consultant -
Autumn Breeze -
Cosmic Glow - Must remove three ships played on the last turn.
Dr. Candyfloss - Master Shipper -
Kilowatt Buzz -
Cloudcover -

Screwball’s Loose!
Reversed Sign
Booped through the Fourth Wall
Plan Failed, Works Anyway

Helping Things Along - 3pts - Two ponies are shipped together who are shipped with two ponies with the “Shippers” keyword.
A Perfect Record - 3pts - Ditzy & Breeze
Adventures in Ianimina - Watt & Pinkie

It’s a Dangerous Business, Going Outside Your Door

Niles Nigellus (Pronghorn) - Pronghorn Network - At the start of every turn, you may move Niles and an attached ship to any unoccupied point on the grid as long as it doesn’t break any other existing ship. Power cannot be copied.
Lady Falalauria (Deer, Elder) - Far Sight - When Falalauria is placed on the grid, player may look through the top five cards on the goal deck. They may then rearrange them as they desire. Power cannot be copied.
Shield Maiden (Earth Pony) - For Gildendale! - Any pony shipped with Shield Maiden cannot be replaced or swapped.
Lord Hammer Hoof (Earth Pony, King)
Ashtail (Earth Pony, Prince)
World Snake (Villain) - Boss Fight - Player must immediately discard any Pony card that is shipped with three or more Ponies

Entering The Dreaming - Race & Keyword Change
Revenge of the World Snake
Epic Journey
Deerish Magic
Beneviolet - Keyword Change

Standing Firm - 2 pts - Ship 6 Earth Ponies in a chain with at least one Villain. 4 pts if the Villain is the World Snake.

Showcase / Re: A Panel Of Ponies Completed! (1.0.6)
« on: May 12, 2016, 02:50:07 pm »
Welcome! It’s great to have more people interested in continuing TSSSF!

Actually, Printer Studio makes you agree that you own the copyrights or have permission to use what you get printed, which is unfortunately not the case for the IDW artwork.

I try not to nitpick people’s rules-wording, unless they ask me to, but I noticed two things worth mentioning: The last line of rules text on King Aspen is missing, and the wording on CMC Discord is pretty non-standard. Mahou Shoujo Derpy is a good example, as part of her power is similar to CMC Discord’s (although it should be “active Goals” instead “active Goal cards”; we have that in our errata).

If I had to guess, I'd say “Subverting the Regime” may have been a reference to Discord messing with Anubis in ancient Egypt.

Eep. I forgot about that one. So folks just need to print it privately. ^^; (And sorry for the delay, I lost the damn site and kept forgetting how to spell Kefentse's name)

And now, that's totally fine. I also misspelled something on Discord's card and for some reason had Flim & Flam as Earth Ponies instead of Unicorns. X.X I was borrowing a bit from the "Power Gamer" expansion pack for some of the wordings, but considering some of the other cards I've seen, I totally understand the nitpicks. :)

And THANK YOU! I totally had forgotten about that part of that section of the comic!

As for the art use, I know it's a bit wobbly, but I sadly have no funds to use on commissions to do it properly (unless I can get my wife to do it...hmmm).

Matchmaker / Re: R63 art
« on: March 18, 2016, 03:13:13 pm »
If you happen to find a good selection of R63 ones, I'd love to see them just in general. Because I keep thinking with all the gender swap stuff that we really need a R63 pack.

Showcase / Re: Arcadian Phoenix's Shipfic Work
« on: March 18, 2016, 03:11:08 pm »
Ummmm...I'm assuming you're paying for the fire damage if I play Fire Strike, right?

Showcase / Re: [DL] Horrible Translator Resource Pack
« on: March 18, 2016, 03:09:22 pm »
I'm curious...why have a separate symbol than the Dystopian Future for FO:E? FO:E is pretty dang dystopian!

And would someone please explain the logic behind the dual race thing?!

Showcase / A Panel Of Ponies Completed! (1.0.6)
« on: March 18, 2016, 02:51:14 pm »
Greetings all!

I’m Novel Idea, a somewhat recent acolyte of the art of the Secret ShipFic. I also happen to be the Executive Producer (and a dozen other things) for the Manehattan Project ( Running GoE tends to get extremely stressful and I’ve found that TSSSF is a wonderful way to relax. And it still lets me be creative…and the best part? Write purple prose.

I’m quite the fan of the MLP Comics (Siege of the Crystal Empire makes me bawl my eyes out at the end, I’m not ashamed to say) and was thrilled to discover Horrible People Games had done an entire expansion based on it…only to discover that it was never completed!

Well, that needed to rectified.

So I rectified it.

Below you’ll find most of the cards for my version of the “Panel of Ponies” Expansion Set. All of them are in Bleed format so you can use Printer Studio as you see fit.

Let me stress that I am an author and a designer, not an artist. None of the artwork below is mine. The artwork is either directly from the official comics themselves or from fan art where I have received written permission to use the piece (Pixelkitties went a bit nuts when I showed her the ones based on her material). Every single artist has been credited on the card and is even further credited on the card's deviantArt pages, as well as the reasoning behind some design/art decisions.* (

*I still have no idea what comic "Subverting the Regime" is supposed to be from!

I only take credit for putting together the design based on the template provided from Horrible People Games, fine tuning spacing, font sizes and the like and that bit of purple prose at the bottom.

So without further ado, I present (most of) the completed version of “A Panel of Ponies!”

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