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Showcase / Magical Mares
« Last post by Ithry on September 07, 2017, 11:34:52 am »
An 11 card set featuring some of your favorite ponies portraying famous magical girls! Art by BefishProductions!

Site Updates / Re: Design Article #4: Keywords and Their Applications
« Last post by Ithry on September 07, 2017, 11:26:42 am »
Sounds like the Shipwrecker keyword is the extraneous keyword there. It's not really an inherent trait of the character, and could be retroactively applied to a lot of characters, which could get confusing. I also don't think it's the kind of keyword others would ever adopt.

Which fan cards were you talking about with respect to keywords? If any happen to be mine, I can comment on those or speculate on others.
Site Updates / Re: Design Article #4: Keywords and Their Applications
« Last post by Lord LunaEquie is me on September 07, 2017, 09:13:53 am »
Sorry, had some computer troubles last week (which involved taking it apart) so I was somewhat incapacitated.

I hate to sound so egocentric, but the main thing that popped into my mind when reading this was that time I was trying to design the Shipwrecker CMC cards as ponies; one of the problems I had been running into was the length of all the keywords I thought I needed to include. Apple Bloom was the worst offender, since she seemed to need the Apple family keyword, her own name keyword, the CMC keyword, and of course the Shipwrecker keyword. I'm left wondering if the name keyword couldn't have been left out, since their names would have been in the card title, though as I think about the utitlity of the cards in pony form, I think maybe the Shipwrecker keyword is extraneous?

But I digress. This article leaves me puzzling over a few specific instances (mostly on fan cards, mind you), but overall is very clear as to the purpose and design considerations of keywords. I think the Race Keyword section is the most salient, honestly; I tend to think that designing for "outsiders" is one of the most important things a game should do.
Site Updates / Design Article #4: Keywords and Their Applications
« Last post by Ithry on August 29, 2017, 10:49:42 am »
Discussion of Design Article #4, which you can read here:
Website Issues / Re: [Issue]Murder Turns Me On not in TSSSF spreadsheet
« Last post by N.A. Larson on August 27, 2017, 12:37:58 am »
Nah, it's fine. I'm sure someone else will be asking the same question at some point.
Website Issues / Re: [Issue]Murder Turns Me On not in TSSSF spreadsheet
« Last post by Lord LunaEquie is me on August 26, 2017, 10:07:36 pm »
Dang, I thought I could edit my message before anyone read it.

But I can never keep the name straight in my head, for some reason. I think it's because of the IGG expansion name on the bottom of the cards. While the most relevant place I can recall seeing the title "Going Too Far" is the final episode of Excel Saga, I'm reasonably certain I've heard it in other contexts, possibly as a descriptor or the internal code name for one of Magic: the Gathering's Un- sets.

Thanks for addressing it, though! Would you like me to delete the thread, to reflect the PG nature of the boards?
Website Issues / Re: [Issue]Murder Turns Me On not in TSSSF spreadsheet
« Last post by N.A. Larson on August 26, 2017, 08:34:29 pm »
We're trying to keep the database PG-ish, so we left that one out (and some others, see the Change Log tab).

Also, why did you call the set "Going Too Far"? The official set name was No Holds Barred, and the version sold at cons WITHOUT Murder Turns Me On was called Some Holds Barred, and HPG informally referred to it as IGG or IndiGoGo.
Shipfic Q&A / Re: Used and Unused Assets
« Last post by Lord LunaEquie is me on August 26, 2017, 08:25:58 pm »
Well, ships are done. 2/3 of the way through the master folder now. Well, considering the size of the Ponies pile maybe more like 5/8. Ponies, too, so the master folder is all done.

Found under
Chemistry Lab Experiment
early idea for Chemistry Lab Explosion!
Extra Credit
Freaky Friday
rough version, no backgroundhere
On Probation
Rush Week
art for the photo in Rush Week
Uprising Against the Robot Uprising
Wacky Tragic Circumstances
early version of Wacky Tragic Circumstances
Cheese Sandwich
Fashion Forward Pound Cake
different art than the Fluffle Puff card
I'm So Alone Twilight Sparkle
Musical Mischief Mando
Rebel Without a Cause Scootaloo
finished, OHGODWHYhere
Sonic the Hedgehog
finished, GOODGODNOhere
Super Diva Sweetie Belle
Website Issues / [Addressed]Murder Turns Me On not in TSSSF spreadsheet
« Last post by Lord LunaEquie is me on August 26, 2017, 07:56:37 pm »
The Ship card Murder Turns Me On from the No Holds Barred expansion is not in the TSSSF card spreadsheet. Just a note for whenever that gets updated.
Shipfic Q&A / Re: Used and Unused Assets
« Last post by Lord LunaEquie is me on August 26, 2017, 07:21:44 pm »
I mean, if I make or have someone make a card, I definitely want finished art, but my main purpose here was to go through the ENTIRE database to see what wasn't used, so that it becomes a known quantity (or whatever the proper term is).

I definitely missed Cutie Mark Crusaders Matchmakers because I was only looking through the goals, when the art got put on a ship, but after a while I just wasn't being super observant; as long as I didn't recognize the art (and it didn't show up after a CTRL+F), it went in the list.

That said, I'm not surprised that I missed a few in the text database, and I'd be grateful to anyone able to whittle down the list which I've already pulled out. After that, then I'll see about contacting Horrible People to see if they can confirm usage of the (hopefully only a handful of remaining unclaimed art).

I'll be tackling the Ships next, because that's the smaller stack and I've already got five art from Goals or Actions that became Ships.
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