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Messages - Lord LunaEquie is me

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Showcase / Shipwrecker CMC - full
« on: September 24, 2016, 09:33:09 pm »
So I got in contact with Horrible People and, long story short, they gave me the go-ahead to complete and share the unfinished Shipwrecker cards from the Power Gaming expansion. So, a bit of fiddling in GIMP later, and here they are. Major thanks to Ithry not just for the flavor text (which he created himself), but for helping with rules wording. Equally big thanks to Western, who provided files like the blank Shipwrecker front for these cards.

Incidentally I have the layered projects saved, so I can make edits to these incredibly easy if need be.

Showcase / Re: [DL] Horrible Translator Resource Pack
« on: September 20, 2016, 02:13:38 pm »
Thanks a bundle for posting these! I started putting some of it to use just last night. ;)

Matchmaker / Re: Experienced Shipfic Designer Here!
« on: September 19, 2016, 09:58:42 am »
You know, I didn't think about all that. You've got a very good point there about hand size and actions.

Sorry for forgetting it was you who posted that Druid Fluttershy. I'm still getting people's names straight in my head.

I did take a look at the style guide, and I think maybe the Shipwreck cards could be slightly reworded based on those guidelines, but I want to be super-sure that any corrections are properly acceptable. Since I don't have any real experience designing cards, and none with TSSSF, I would want to confer with the resident masters as it were to give me the once-over.

Matchmaker / Re: Experienced Shipfic Designer Here!
« on: September 18, 2016, 04:54:52 pm »
Oh my god, those are Awesome with a capital A. Thanks so much for the help.

Would you mind if I keep picking your brain about adapting these cards? I want to make sure what I've got fits within the established rules and guidelines and all.

Matchmaker / Re: Experienced Shipfic Designer Here!
« on: September 18, 2016, 02:15:28 pm »
EDIT: You mentioned there was unused art for these? I wasn't aware there was any official unused art for them.
Oops, yeah, I kind of figured most anyone who had been into designing cards for the game would have been through the github repository already. Actually I think what tipped me off was the alt-art Druid Fluttershy that... I forget who made using unused official art. Here's where the three are located:

As you can see, not a whole lot to go on context-wise. At best, I figured they could represent the CMC kind of as we saw them in the show, when they tried to set Big Mac up with Cheerilee: honestly trying to be matchmakers and just failing horribly at it.

(I'm also considering using the unused Shipwrecker card model so that they can be put into the ship deck, but am currently undecided on that one.)
There was actually a discussion on Twitter the other day about Shipwreckers. I'm not sure which deck they are supposed to go into, but given the names and powers I'd say they go into the Pony deck, not Ship deck.
Thematically, I feel they do work best as ponies, especially considering the artwork that had been made of them. Mechanically, though, I feel it would be easy to make them as mirrors to Love Poisons: ship cards with optional alternate effects. Personally I feel there's a lot of room left for optional powers on ship cards (and IIRC there aren't as many ship cards as there are pony cards anyway, so adding to that deck wouldn't be a bad idea).

I don't know if all that helps? Honestly the art doesn't leave a whole lot to interpret, but I dunno, maybe going with a fourth-wall-breaking "the CMC found and scattered Twilight's shipfics" angle is the right one.

Matchmaker / Re: Experienced Shipfic Designer Here!
« on: September 17, 2016, 11:16:33 pm »
I'm thinking of slapping the unused art for the three Shipwrecker cards onto the Pony card model and see how they work out as a trio of ponies with optional powers. (I'm also considering using the unused Shipwrecker card model so that they can be put into the ship deck, but am currently undecided on that one.)

What I have no idea how to do, though, is the flavor text. Despite how much fanfiction I've read over the years, I have little experience in writing it, almost none of the kind of shipping fanfiction that TSSSF parodies, and exactly zero experience in writing pony fanfiction. And, being the stickler that I am, I can't just make these cards without them being "feature-complete", as it were.

Would you be able to come up with a few lines to stick on our three misguided fillies?

General Discussion / Re: TSSSF Spinoffs in Other Fandoms
« on: September 17, 2016, 10:49:02 pm »
Honestly, a friend and I almost immediately agreed as soon as we started playing it the first time, TSSSF is so mechanically sound that it's kind of a wonder the play style hasn't been adopted and adapted as happens a lot in board gaming. Like, discard the "shipping aspect" and it could easily be something like building a space station or making a maze to escape a monster.

I feel that such a statement is going against the spirit of the question, though.

So, what if it was a big ol' crossover shipfic for Shonen Jump manga/anime? You could have the MANLIEST of ships with Chad from BLEACH x Zoro from One Piece. Or have the emo relationship of your dreams between Light from Death Note and Sasuke from Naruto.

Conventions / TFF earlier this year (returning a lost card)
« on: September 17, 2016, 10:24:53 pm »
So, I should have asked this considerably earlier, but it didn't occur to me until a friend pointed out I should.

I mentioned elsewhere that I met someone at Texas Furry Fiesta who had TSSSF and played with them until too-late-o'clock one night. While we were playing, at some point a goal which I had won disappeared from the table and no one was sure just where it ended up.

Well, considering I'm planning on printing out my own set soon, I thought I'd offer to print a copy of that card (assuming the specific card was ever identified) and give it to him to replace the one which I was responsible for him losing. I'm sad to say that I can't remember his name, but considering TFF was hosted at the EXACT same hotel that Nightmare Nights is being hosted at, I've been wondering if I would maybe see him again while I was there.

So, was anyone here at TFF earlier this year with their cards, and do they remember a goal disappearing late one Saturday night?

Making Cards / Re: Newbie questions about printing
« on: September 17, 2016, 10:14:41 pm »
I mean, that was what I meant when I said "if it's right in front of me". Sorry about that.  :-[

But it seems it expects around 10 days. Just to be sure, then, I'll plan to order the cards around the first of October. Hopefully life lets the expansions fully corrected by then.

Making Cards / Re: Newbie questions about printing
« on: September 16, 2016, 12:09:15 pm »
Okay, new question I just thought of now that I'm waiting: about how long should I expect the cards to arrive after I order them, assuming I'm ordering the ~500 cards I said I'd be. I know I can choose different shipping speeds, but how long does it take to actually make the cards before they're shipped out?

Of course, I might be asking the wrong people and if it was right in front of me feel free to yell at me for being an idiot.

Making Cards / Re: Newbie questions about printing
« on: September 13, 2016, 07:35:01 pm »
My current plan is: print the 1.1.5 ed. core deck

I wanted to point out that Core 1.1.6 is already available for printing (and likely available for purchase at Nightmare Nights). If you're wondering what we changed, here's the errata. I'm hoping to get Extra Credit and Ponyville U uploaded this week.
Ooh. In that case, I'll hold off for a little bit to see if that pans out (I know best laid plans often get pushed down the to-do list when other responsibilities get in the way). I'd love to have the full, corrected crop of cards. If I'm being completely honest part of it was that I already had ALL the bleed images uploaded to that other site, and the work to replace the core deck with the updated version would have been a major pain; though now I think starting fresh in metric with the Make Playing Cards site will be better in the long run. Circumstances are that I won't be able to get to that until this weekend, anyway.

Again, thanks for all the help here. I'm glad there's people around to indulge a newcomer like me (I've not always had that kind of an experience in new forums).

Making Cards / Re: Newbie questions about printing
« on: September 12, 2016, 03:49:29 pm »
Sorry, gsm. I'm obviously new to this.

I've been washing back and forth on Cupcakes! since going through all the bleed files from the github repository. On the one hand the art is nice and its mechanics are obviously done. On the other it's obviously got placeholder flavor text and that's arguably the best part of the game (personally I enjoy the house rule that you must read out the flavor text of every card you play). Similarly I've been washing back and forth on the CoK promo cards, although to be honest Online Chat Room is just too good to not include even if I do just houserule it to always activate.

Thanks for all the tips, though. I didn't even know about the two different sizes of cards floating around.

EDIT: Now I looked at that site you linked and it has me wondering if I should order a box for these things. I mean, 400-some-odd cards is a lot and I don't really know what kind of box this place ships with, in either quality or size. Honestly I hadn't given any thought to how I was going to store these yet.

Making Cards / Newbie questions about printing
« on: September 12, 2016, 11:07:08 am »
So, I'm planning to print out the 400-and-change cards that HPP had originally finished — the core set, the three large expansions (No Holds Barred, Extra Credt, Ponyville University), and all the finished mini-expansions (basically anything that was a completed card) — and I've got some questions swimming around in my head.

• I'm using the site that HPP linked on their site. I'm assuming that they're a fairly good place to do business, yes?
• Would there be any discernible difference if I chose 310 gpm over 300?
• Is there any advantage to choosing fully plastic cards? (I can see them being extremely slippery)
• Are there any additional cards people would recommend printing out along with all of these? Due to the size of the order I have to choose the "up to 504 cards" option, so I'm paying the same whether I print 409 or 450. It's actually what led me here.
• Is there an ETA on the CoF updates to the expansions? I'm wanting to take these cards with me to Nightmare Nights Dallas in about a month and a half and I'm currently making plans assuming those updates won't be for a while.

My current plan is: print the 1.1.5 ed. core deck and all the currently-up-to-date expansions, then at a later date when the CoF updates have all been made I'll print a second set; from there I can engage in shenanigans or simply give the gift of shipping to someone.

Showcase / Re: Made Our Mark Mini Expansion
« on: September 09, 2016, 11:54:50 pm »
@Lord LunaEquie is me
Hello! Glad you like my sets! Sweetie Belle was fun to design. I usually don't like meta cards that much, but she ended up working out really well!
There are just all sorts of possibilities that play in my mind when I think about it. What if I get it? Do I go with an oldie but goodie like Journey's Don't Stop Believing? Do I abandon all shame and go with some big pony fansong like Discord, even if everyone will know it? Do I be evil and go for something more obscure that people are going to struggle with? How loud do I sing? How loud do I want to sing? What if someone else gets the card instead and I've never heard the song they chose?

It gets overwhelming fast. Not that it's exactly a bad thing; I'm eager to play with it.

I won't be at Nightmare Nights this year, but if everything works out, the Cutie Mark Crusaders Forever! card will be given out by Nightmare Nights in some capacity! I still have to contact them about it, so hopefully they will be willing!

I'm planning on selling my cards at conventions, so I'd appreciate if you didn't print them out. Obviously I can't stop you, but I've only put up watermarked bleedless cards in an attempt to deter people from doing so.
Don't worry about it; I completely understand and that's why I wanted to contact you rather than just run these off to print without consulting anyone.

I'll be at Running of the Leaves Con later this year selling the sets Made Our Mark, Wonderbolt Nights, Equestrian Girls, and Shipping and Handling! If you'd like to see new card releases and where I'll be vending at, feel free to follow me on social media (or just check back here periodically!):
As of right now, I'm not planning on going to any cons other than local ones (so yes, I live around the Dallas area), so I don't know if I'll be in the same con as you anytime soon. That said, I definitely wouldn't mind paying you for those cards if I could have them shipped to me. I recently realized that I've actually got a pretty decent amount of disposable income, so money isn't much of an object here. (I mean, I don't know if I'd drop a grand on just a dozen or so cards, but you get the idea.)

Conventions / Re: Nightmare Nights Dallas 2016
« on: September 09, 2016, 05:34:40 pm »
Neato! Well have to organize when and where to meet up. I'm heading up there with two friends and this will literally be my second con ever, but I'm super-excited to meet up with people and play games. Probably the best time I had at my first con (Texas Furry Fiesta) was when I came across a guy in the board game room with TSSSF sitting out. I know I stayed up way too late just to play that "one more round" like three times, and I'm pretty sure I kept him from getting home on time, too.

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