Card Design > Showcase

Foreshadow Prep

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An 8 card set featuring pony versions of the Shadowbolts with art by Ashley Nichols!

Lord LunaEquie is me:

This had me grinning like a madman. Firstly, the Shadowbolts were the best part of EQGmovie3. I loved Lemon Zest's design and Sugarcoat was the only thing to get a laugh out of me that movie.

Secondly, new mechanic! *squee* And so strong! Yet so easily shut down! Honestly my first thought was the Forecast mechanic from Magic: the Gathering, but I'm a long-time player of MtG, so of course my mind would jump to a mechanic from my favorite block. Here, though, the effects feel more like other players can more or less plan around them. Drawing twice you may not be able to do much against, but all the others give players plenty of time to plan around -- especially the mulligan effect on Sugarcoat. Point is, I love it!

Thirdly, but certainly not leastly, the flavor text is just to die over. A small part of me says "but why are they breaking the fourth wall?", but the larger part of me is just laughing at the brilliant light-hearted pokes. Again I love the idea of it being mandatory to read out the flavor text when playing cards, because something like this would come up.

If ever I meet you I'm going to have to give you a small fortune for all these fantastic cards you've designed.

Glad you like the set so far! There's 3 cards left to show off, so I hope you like them as much as these! As you can probably figure, at least one of them will feature Sci-Twi!

Though I used to play Magic a ton, including during the Guilds sets, the Foresight mechanic actually never crossed my mind when I was designing Foreshadow! It's funny how similar they are mechanically (and names too)! As you mentioned, they're designed to be stoppable for the most part, especially if you have the hand disruption mechanics in Wonderbolt Nights or Siren's Song.

The flavor text for the Shadowbolts is some of my favorite ones that I've written. They are definitely suspension of disbelief and fourth wall breaking, but the Shadowbolts were a great opportunity to do this kind of flavor! I wanted to give them personality and make sure people knew they were "pre-Friendship Games" Shadowbolts as opposed to any future iterations they might have. It also provides a nice contrast from Sci-Twi's quotes, which are more "traditional" TSSSF quotes. She's caught up in her own business and doesn't have time to fourth wall break. You'll see what I mean in the coming weeks!

If you're coming to Bronycon I'd be happy to part with a set if you'd like to buy one! If you're not able to make it feel free to PM me after the con! I might have some left over!

Lord LunaEquie is me:
Yeah, for now I've only been going to local conventions (meaning around Dallas, Texas), and honestly the size of Bronycon scares me. If you're willing, though, I'd definitely pay for shipping a couple of (or all) the sets you've designed.

I think the smug superiority of the Shadowbolts definitely shines through those flavor texts, probably even better than if they were traditional TSSSF quotes.

I didn't actually mean to imply that you had taken a page from Magic so much as much as admitting how quickly my mind slips back to Magic. Besides, "reveal from your hand before playing for a bigger effect" is more of a common mechanic nowadays, I think.

Full set finished in the original post!


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