Card Design > Drawing Board

Commissioning artist, need style feedback.

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Oh definitely. I already have them printed out (like, on paper) sans art. Gonna playtest the hell out of them. They also need flavor text. I just feel like it is a shame they were unfinished since they feel super interesting. And I'm hearing a lot of art style 3. I think I'll go with sketch B because it reminds me of my childhood as a book nerd.

Lord LunaEquie is me:
Personally I like C4.

Of the three sketches, I like C the most because it conveys the over-the-top silliness the game is known for most clearly. A just looks like she's in a book tornado or something, and B is really down-to-earth -- relatable on its own, but I feel if you're going to make something for this game, you might as well crank the dial up on the silliness.

Of the four styles, I prefer 4 the most because it makes Twilighy pop out the most, grabbing your eye the most easily. I'll admit I'm biased toward both 3 and 4 because they're full color, but honestly I think styles 1 and 2 would look better if they were monochrome instead of a hint of color. I was finding myself focusing in on the colored patches and missing the greater scene. Between 3 and 4, it's kind of tough, but ultimately I think since the character is off-center style 4 is able to draw more attention to her.

If you go with sketch A or B, I would change my style choice to 3. The character being in the center of the frame means it doesn't need quite as much attention on it.

Sorry I'm coming in late to this, I've been preoccupied for the last several months with Ponyfinder and haven't been here to check on things.

I ended up choosing b3. They sent me the sketches for the next one. what do you guys think? I'm leaning A2, make it less obvious that there's always a typewriter.

A1, A2, or C2.

Lord LunaEquie is me:
I'm with Ithry on this one.

A2 would be my preferred choice, because after looking up what the card does, there probably should be some villains in there somewhere. Coming from a decade of being a Vorthos, I think cards always read better when there's a synergy between their rules, title, art, and even flavor text; while cards in a set can build off one another, having elements of a card not line up with each other leads to the card feeling confused, or like it wasn't thought through. In that respect the A sketches are the best bet because they actually show what the card is supposed to do.

Between A1 and A2 is tricky. Honestly I would like to know what the plans for the rest of the set are. It's hard to say with this only being the second card art whether the typewriter being front and center would be too overused to go with A1. I equally like both ideas in the A sketches: the one that the typewriter was the weapon to defeat the villains and the one that the typewriter was a villain that was defeated. Of the two, I can't decide which is the better idea.

C2 is in third place just because of how silly it is. I'm not really convinced that it belongs on this specific Twilight, but it's a brilliant little portrayal of our beloved little shipping purple horse. I'd love to see this design used elsewhere, but again, I'm not really convinced that Element of Magic Twilight is the card to have it on.


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