Author Topic: Emily Bennet Tribute Card  (Read 16352 times)

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Offline Kefentse

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Emily Bennet Tribute Card
« on: July 19, 2016, 10:23:45 pm »
During the Horrible People closeout sale, Emily Bennet volunteered to single-handedly mail over 700 packages. Even before that, she was mailing orders to people who couldn't make it to conventions. It's fair to say that many people (including several of us at CofK) wouldn't have gotten into TSSSF if it wasn't for her. So if you've ever gotten cards from Emily, please take a moment to let her know how much it meant to you.

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Re: Emily Bennet Tribute Card
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2016, 11:09:32 am »
I'm sorry to say that I've not had any interaction with her, and in truth had not heard of her before this week -- though I was only really introduced to TSSSF earlier this year when I found someone who had the cards in the board game room at Texas Furry Fiesta.

To be shamefully honest, I'm here in this thread to ask the totally selfish question of whether you'd be okay with me printing this card with the rest of my 400-some-odd card order, since I'm paying the same for 410 as I am for 500.

Offline Kefentse

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Re: Emily Bennet Tribute Card
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2016, 04:22:27 pm »
As long as you're not going to sell it, go right ahead!

On the subject of printing, be advised that there are TWO sizes of cards floating around: there's the standard 2.5"x3.5", which Horrible People used for the most part, and the slightly smaller 63mmx88mm, which was used by most of the vendors at BronyCon this year (including Core Deck 1.1.6). If you use card sleeves, it's not a problem.

Also, we'll be releasing updated versions of Extra Credit and Ponyville University soon, so you might want to wait for that.

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Re: Emily Bennet Tribute Card
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2016, 05:30:10 pm »
As long as you're not going to sell it, go right ahead!
Neato! I'm only wanting to make a set to play with, and since I've got a lot of blanks in the order, I figured I'd fill some out.

On the subject of printing, be advised that there are TWO sizes of cards floating around: there's the standard 2.5"x3.5", which Horrible People used for the most part, and the slightly smaller 63mmx88mm, which was used by most of the vendors at BronyCon this year (including Core Deck 1.1.6). If you use card sleeves, it's not a problem.
Well, as much as I've played card games across... oh, it's got to be 15 years of my life by now, I've never actually used card sleeves. I've always treated my cards carefully (even shuffling without that bendy technique -- that makes me cringe whenever I see someone do that). Right now the plan is to order the cards from the site linked to from HPG's site, though I'm not sure offhand what size that is. It says "poker cards", but I've never actually played poker, so *shrug*

Also, we'll be releasing updated versions of Extra Credit and Ponyville University soon, so you might want to wait for that.
I expected that, but since I'm not sure when "soon" is, and NMM is just over a month away, I figured I'd print out the 1.1.5 core deck and current versions of everything else, then when you've got updated versions, print those out too and either have shenanigans or simply give someone else the gift of shipping.

Oh, and thanks for the quick response! Super-glad to hear back from people after just joining a few hours ago.