First off, I should say hello, since I'm obviously new around here.
Secondly, I want to say I adore these cards so far. I actually found my way here because I found them (and Wonderbolts nights [thought I'm pretty sure I just got that name wrong]) on shipficbooru. I've actually been having periodic attacks of anxiety thinking of the possibilities of that Sweetie Belle. Really eager to see these in action.
Thirdly, I was actually sniffing around the Wired for fan-made cards worth printing because I'm wanting to print out TSSSF for fun among my friends and also to take to the upcoming Nightmare Nights Dallas. Point being, I was firstly wondering if either A) you'd be at said NMM so I can buy some of these cards, or B) you wouldn't mind me printing some of your cards (probably just Wonderbolt nights since this set here isn't completely revealed yet). Apologies if this is too forward, and I don't intend to print out anything you don't give the go-ahead for.