Card Design > Showcase

BronyBrewer's Newly Designed cards

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N.A. Larson:
I like the idea of having Applejack in the artwork for Why is the Cider Gone?. Helps explain the mechanic.


--- Quote from: Tutorial Guy on February 24, 2016, 02:04:43 am ---I'm not agree with the selection of images. Each of the selected images or stretched, or vice versa - compressed. Here are found the more suitable arts ... Actually, all the images are from the same artist, that they didn't differ in style.
About "Holiday" card: left - your your version, right - image edited beneath card

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Oh man, sorry it took so long to reply, but this is amazing.  I need this's perfect.

Tutorial Guy:

--- Quote from: BronyBrewer on May 17, 2016, 11:13:47 pm ---Oh man, sorry it took so long to reply, but this is amazing.  I need this's perfect.

--- End quote ---
Derpibooru->Search->Just DO IT!
Oh, and dont forget - if you want to take some artist art to the card - ask him about this


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